Hours classes have been completely free and with coordination among students and professor +44
In the opportunity to participate in classes with precept registration period for a With six months, two semesters and more than a year opportunity which will be his training course to finish. In these sessions professor directly with the art work atmosphere.
Materials and training courses in each semester
Education sculpture from the beginning professionally and will be any limitation in art before to participate in Allah Kianian art does not exist.
With 3 and above all: with regard to the personal interests precept can be included under titles.
stone sculpture and wood that nature in his statue in the form.
Education sculpture coaches for children and schools.
classes to a free and with regard to the long hours of work and precept school will be held.
including 50 painting technique that in every meeting a 2-hour technique and a complete Farhad and trained by precept and guidance with full professor.
The number of meetings with the existing techniques and every 10 of the training session.
for explanations and to visit the complete works you can determine the previous time permanent exhibition Kianian art thy sight. . .
Conditions of classes
1- each semester is 30 hours; one session in week and every session is 3 hours.
2- General classes contains 5-10 students.

Subjects and Articles of Semesters
Term One- Manual training with clayey (clayey sculpture)
a) Geometrical cubism 2 sessions
b) Creasing for material 1 session
c) Human`s hand 2 sessions
d) Anatomy of face and torso 5 sessions (torso sculpture)
Term Two - Manual training with clayey
a) Reminding the last term 1 session
b) Designing and formation of figure as miniaturize shape 1session
c) Designing and formation of figure
Term Three - According to student`s favorites it can be followed
1) Sculpture with wood pulp
2) High Relief:
a) Wood pulp
b) Wood
c) Material collage
d ) ceramic
e) Plaster
f) Resin and various adhesive
3) Sculpture with wood
4) Graven image
5) Primary forming
6) Sculpture with concrete
7) Sculpture with fiberglass (Resin)
8) Sculpture with unemployed material
9) Sculpture with stone and woods which are naturally in figure shape
10) Sculpture training for kindergarten trainers and teachers